Tuesday 3 December 2013

ChibiLifeStories - Meeting the Characters (1

Narrator: Hello! Let me introduce myself. My name is... well, I'm a narrator, basically. I tell the stories of 10 young little chibi's and one 15 year old girl. She may have a lot of attitude in her but she loves her chibi's and tries to look after them every day and every night. But wait, how does she find the chibi's? And who is she? Well, read my stories to find out all the juicy stuff.

There lived a 15 year old girl, named Paige. She loved going on her Apple laptop, but she didn't know that every cartoon made on there comes to life! But if we told her she would never in a million years believe us. Paige: You got that right! Wait, who are you again?
Narrator: *sighs* I am the narrator. I will shut up now anyway and get on with it.

Once upon a time there lived a 15 year old girl named Paige. She loved going on her Apple laptop, but she didn't know that every cartoon made on there comes to life! But if we told her she would never in a million years believe us. One day she was playing on her laptop when she discovered a weird website.

Paige: Probably a weird game for nerds. But I will check it out!
Narrator: She clicked on the link: http://gen8.deviantart.com/art/Chibi-Maker-1-1-346025144. She was on it for quite a while, making a character. But when she finished making her first one, she noticed a strange wind coming through her computer, and out came a small creature, scurrying along on her keyboards.

Paige: Who are you? What are you? Where are you from?!

???: I am Chibi Tyla.
Paige: Well that's one question solved, answer the other two!
Chibi Tyla: I am a Chibi and I am from a place called Chibipurplelandia.
Paige: Chibi what what?
Chibi Tyla: I AM FROM A PLACE CALLED CHIBIPURPLELANDIA! How many times do I need to say it love? Are you deaf?
Paige: No! You are mean for a chibi!
Chibi Tyla: Give me that mouse! 
Paige: No! Why do you need it anyway?
Chibi Tyla: Because I want you to make a friend.
Paige: Ok, let me make one.
Narrator: So as Paige was making one, Chibi Tyla sat at the end of a small teaspoon that was left on her desk.
Paige: *sighs*  ok, here we go. 
???: Boy it is cold out there!!!
Paige + Chibi Tyla: Who are you?
???: I am Chibi Pearl-Lacy.
Paige: She seems like a nice one. This is Chibi Tyla.
Chibi Tyla: Hello.

To be contuined, seriously I cba to write more :3

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